2022: Protecting and advancing human rights in war times

At the time of writing these lines Ukranians keep fighting for their life and freedom. Russian who oppose the way are systematically detained and silenced. Meanwhile, the weapons industry flourishes and efforts to tackle climate change and de-nuclearisation are left for “better times”. Meanwhile, political discussions on digital rights continue in Brussels and beyond. This year was the year of the adoption of landmark legislation on platforms (Digital Services Act and Digital Markets Act), of opposing attacks to encryption and strengthening civil society through our decolonising and anti-racist work.

Faut-il supprimer les prisons?

Aujourd’hui, les prisons font partie aujourd’hui de n’importe quel État moderne, qu’il soitdémocratique ou pas. Le débat sur les conditions … More

Unión Europea: luchar por la transparencia para una democracia plena

Diego Naranjo y Maryant Fernández European Digital Rights (EDRi) (publicado originalmente en El 4º Poder en red: http://blogs.publico.es/el-cuarto-poder-en-red/2015/12/03/union-europea-luchar-por-la-transparencia-para-una-democracia-plena/) Bruselas es … More